
The Worst Sleep

Left off the word ever because that would be debatable, but...  Last night was some of the worst sleep I've ever gotten.  I woke around 3 with inhuman pain in my right shoulder.  It was like an ache that no amount of shifting, massage, Aleve, ice, or time could alleviate.

I tossed.  I turned.  I flipped.  I bargained.  I begged.  I got up and called my mom.  I played video games with an ice pack on my shoulder.  At around 8am I began to feel a little better and got back in bed.  It came, slowly...  Then I woke to my phone buzzing with a new text:

Filip - U coming in?  By 11am meeting?

I check the clock.  It's 11am.  I text back, Apparently not.  Will be in though.

It was the worst of sleeps, it was the worst of sleeps.  I wonder how today is going to go.

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