
TGIM - Health

I got sick on Friday while working on a pitch. It began with shortness of breath, became a fever, and then some lower back pain. Saturday I became super-sensitive to temperature, got pulled over by the police for speeding, and woke in the middle of the night with uncontrollable shaking. I couldn't get warm. Sunday brought a cough, and today brought plenty of phlegm. I think I'm on the mend, but who knows.

Being sick reminds you how great it is on the days you're healthy. Every time you want to complain about something minor in your everyday life, just remember how much worse it is to be sick or injured. I especially miss my 100% cogent mind. Had to put the screenplay on hold with the pitch Friday, and my brain isn't back to normal to start again. Not an excuse, I just know how tough the day-to-day is, don't need the added frustration of negative progress.

Hopefully I'll be healthy soon enough to knock this thing out, and for my birthday later in the week. No idea of plans, but we'll figure it out. Can't wait to get healthy, back up to speed. Hopefully some cool work announcements soon.

1 comment:

Blond said...

Aw, but not writing in your right mind is the Raven Gregory Method. Think of all the crazy stuff you didn't write.