
BROKEN TRINITY on Ain't It Cool News & Newsarama

The press onslaught continues! I'm sure I've missed some stuff in my haze of apartment flooding, work, and trying to make a living. But I'm back with the two latest (and perhaps greatest) press updates OF ALL TIME!

First, Bryan Hill and I talk about everything we've ever learned about anything. And one of us is more learned than the other. And Ain't It Cool News was nice enough to post it.

Next, Bryan and I take you behind the scenes of the players of the BT: Pandora's Box universe. We're introducing a lot of new faces, and you should know who's who. So we wrote a lil' somethin' somethin' for you.

Been behind with the updates but the twitter is going strong. Follow @roblevin for the up-to-the-minute low down on the down low. More blog soon.

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