
TGIM - Sleep

Comic-Con International in San Diego is one of the best times of the year. But it's also one of the most exhausting. For the first time in 5 years of attending, I wasn't involved in the building or destruction of a booth. That meant I got to head home a little bit earlier (and hit all that fun traffic).

We got home right around midnight. I got to sleep close to 2 (don't ask) and promptly slept for 12 hours. Still feel like someone hit my awareness with a sledgehammer, but sleep is truly the greatest invention ever. Thanks, G-d.

Also, for those wondering... Drinking on an empty stomach means getting utterly blitzed/tanked/wasted/to' up. Not recommended, as my Saturday night and its missing moments can attest to.

For those that I saw, it was a great time. For anyone I missed, we'll talk soon and I'll catch you next year. I want to sleep some more, but I have dodgeball in a few hours so I'm trying to get my mind and body right to destroy. Frutti di Beppo will be missing the game, so I have to step up for him and comic pros everywhere.

"The real sin of San Diego is that when it ends... it's Monday." - Nelson Blake II

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Blackout drinking, welcome to my world.