
Kaiser Haunts My Nightmares

I've been so unhappy with my Kaiser insurance that it's started to seep into my dreams, giving me one of the worst nightmares in recent memories. I was just supposed to go to the doctor to get a follow-up x-ray on my left thumb. But it turned out to be a journey into the mouth of madness... Highlights include:
  • Them NOT scheduling an x-ray (I knew it!)
  • Me forgetting my previous films
  • The lady at the secure gas-station style window asking if she could help me, then walking away
  • The same lady walking away every time I told her, "I don't care, I just want someone to take an x-ray today before I murder people."
  • My parents showing up to ask what the problem is
  • That lady telling me that my monthly payments were being raised to $3,500/month because of past problems (I guess getting sick one and having a leg problem qualifies as a health risk)
I also had a dream after this where I broke Passover by eating a burger with a bun... But it wasn't a nightmare. I did remember halfway through and try to eat it with matzah. Stupid, crumbly matzah.

Can't wait to eat me some bread tonight...

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