
The Rob Levin

Hello faithful blog readers. How are you? I know it's been a while.

I've been busy with work and busy with life, and I really didn't have any updates on projects or advice to offer during the past month. I stayed quiet and worked on some things behind the scenes. As of today, they've been put into effect.

You'll notice that if you type in www.AuthenticImpostor.com you're now redirected to www.theroblevin.com, which now houses the most updated version of this blog. I'd been unhappy for some time with blogger and looking to make a change, as well as having a bit of an identity crisis with the AI moniker. It confuses people and doesn't really associate specifically with me unless you're in the know. Down the line AI will become a home for projects and content, but my site and blog will be housed at www.theroblevin.com.

I want to thank all of you for your time and interaction this last year and a half, and I promise more to come on the regular at the new home. Don't forget to bookmark The Rob Levin to stay abreast of everything in the world of me, writing and comics.